The time when luck was by my side

The time when luck was by my side

It was on that day I realized there is something called luck. It was one beautiful evening and everything was going great. and I was returning home riding my dad’s bike after meeting my friend. I was overtaking a bus and suddenly I encountered an old man who took a wrong turn and boom!!! The unexpected happened, By the time I could do something it was all over. I was feet away from my bike and from here I would say it was all luck that saved me..

Goals and Resolutions for the upcoming year

Goals and Resolutions for the upcoming year

In our perfect ways. In the ways we are beautiful. In the ways we are human. We are here. Happy New Year in Advance. Let’s make it ours, by setting some resolutions and goals for ourselves this year. The meaning of resolution is "a firm decision to do or not to do something." If you make a firm decision about something then you must also take action and set a deadline, in other words, set a goal!.