The Thin Line of Feminism

The Thin Line of Feminism

What is Feminism? Feminism in simple terms means equality among the genders, which does not abide by the patriarchal construct. This is what google says. Feminism has more to do with equality than it has to do with “not being girlish”, or “crazy about women”.

Joint family :Still relevant?

Joint family :Still relevant?

India from ancient times had this concept of joint family, it always has been an advantage for the younger generation more.There is a big misunderstanding among this generation that having a joint family you can seek advice from elders as I assure you that they will have experience in one or other domain for sure, it's completely wrong..

Self love

Self love

What is the first step towards happiness? It's Accepting what you are, and what you have. We have a lot of "When" questions in our mind and we must stop creating such questions. Whether we do upward or downward comparisons, we may end up sad. What should you do in such a case? I also was a victim of this and I'll share what I do when I get a thought of comparison..

Peer pressure - What should we take from it?

Peer pressure - What should we take from it?

When you begin to take the footsteps of your group of friends, you have transparency. You get to see all of their personalities. If your focus tends to incline on the negative choices they make, it will be a pressure that you feel to conform. Every group has positive habits in them which should be your main point of focus in fact , taking the positive things out of everything is very important and might help you in a lot of other ways. “ Be yourself in this world it is the greatest accomplishment.”.