A Day in my life

A Day in my life

My alarm starts to bug me at 5:00 a.m but then it continues till 5:30 and if I am not busy for that day then it might continue as long as I am satisfied with my sleep. So once I'm out of bed I finish my daily routine and the first thing I do is what we all do, and maybe it's the only thing common in most of the people on this planet and that is to use our mobile phone. This continues for an hour or so and if I still continue to use it then I might get into trouble. I then try to recall the to-do list of the day in my mind and then go take a bath.


My classes start at 8:30, so if it’s offline I’ll have to leave by 7:50 a.m but due to the pandemic it’s online, it's pretty much light, the one thing I miss about the offline class is riding my bike early in the morning as I am a bike enthusiast, It energizes my day and will prepare me for the day. Once the classes start I'd see if it's an important lecture and if it's a theory class that is easy to understand then I try to multitask with any other small tasks of mine along with my class. If the subject is problematic then I would not like to take the risk of multitasking. In Between the classes I have some snacks and keep myself full but if we have laboratory classes it will usually be in the afternoon and my full tummy makes me lazy and it gets hard to concentrate. With great difficulty, I try to concentrate and get finished with my classes at 4:30. My everyday timetable of classes will be different but how lucky I am that I have classes till 4:30 only a few times a week.


Once I am done with my classes, I take a long break but this also depends on my schedule, If I am held up with more work then I prefer to finish them first and then take a break but when I have less work I usually keep it for later which is a bad habit of mine and try to finish it by end of the day. Once I am done with all the work I have my dinner around 10:30 p.m and then go to bed by 11:30 p.m where I again set the futile alarm. So that's the end of my day.