How do I tackle bad habit

How do I tackle bad habit


   Wonderful quote “A change in bad habits leads to a change in life”

Before moving on tackling bad habits let us know the things that will happen if we have a collection of bad habits. A person who smokes or watches mobile for a long duration ect.., the dopamine will be released and gives pleasure to a person. Due to this it becomes a habit to a person.


Wonderful quote “Bad habits are like A comfortable bed, easy to get into but hard to get out off”.


Everyone thinks getting rid of bad habits is an impossible thing, but my simple way to tackle bad habits will make impossible into possible. The way is based on the W_H rule where W stands for Why and H for How. 

Description of w_h rule:-

  • Why:-

           In this, A person have to know why he/she should leave the bad habits and adequate uses of through it 


  • How:-  Here, A person has to plan two or more ways to tackle a bad habit because one way fails and another way can be chosen to achieve a goal.

Further I will follow this step for  a small duration to tackle the bad habit, then after accomplishing the small task, it gives confidence and before taking steps to tackle bad habits, Nobody would achieve the goal on the first try, multiple tries should be given to achieve the goal by keeping this in mind, I will prepare myself by taking the first step. Next time extending the duration, again I will manage to tackle bad habits but there will be a chance I can’t reach my goal. However, in that situation I will be grateful to myself for what I did. 

         We can’t end the bad habit but we can reduce it so keep trying to tackle bad habits and enjoy every seconds in being at present