Things I Learnt In College

Things I Learnt In College


In this pandemic era when I hear the word ‘college’, it rings a great source of happiness and eagerness, undoubtedly as it is a place where I can create a lot of ecstatic memories and a place where I can get the best possible environment. The longer I work in this seat of learning, the more I perceive that it is pretty great preparation for my future career and life in general. I have seen a lot of changes in myself from being a fresher in the college when I joined and now as an aspiring second-year student. It is very important that we as students, need to realize things and understand the practical aspects of engineering life from the beginning itself.

      From the first day of college when I joined being new to the college environment, there were a lot of things I found new and needed to perceive and inculcate in my college life journey. The pandemic life had ruined our daily academic as well as extracurricular access of every student’s life. But as said during our SOTP camp “Everything Is Going To Be Fine”, those days had approached us, and I started to deal with lots of pieces stuff like assignments, taking part in co-curricular activities, attending class with regular attendance unlike the virtual classes has taught me a huge source of responsibility, time management and discipline. By being exposed to college club activities and associations made me come up with my capabilities and develop skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, teamwork, software skills, etc. Decision making was also one of the major ideas that I learnt from college and it has a great amount of significance as we can see the sea of options that we could opt for. This is the place that helped me to evaluate myself by connecting with my fellow mates and also with seniors.

   I still endeavour to learn a lot more from the college, as an ongoing development process. Work sincerely towards my goals and ambitions, prepare myself to get the best scope.