The Secret of the Nagas : Review

The Secret of the Nagas : Review

Amish does something here like what Rajamouli did with Bahubali sequel, but the amazing part is that Bahubali came much after Shiva Trilogy. I was fooled into thinking that Meluha was a big book with a huge universe and after reading Nagas, First book seems merely as a planet in this Amish universe. I really enjoyed the pacing of this book as it makes sure that pawns are moved slowly to create the perfect end game. Plot doesn't escalate dynamically like Meluha as number of characters involved here are huge compared to the prior and handling each of their stories and motives take time and skill which Amish delivers well. I honestly found the story saturated by the half as Shiva visits a nation and things that follow kind of got repetitive. After such a low point in the story, things shoot up drastically resulting in a rollercoaster of emotions, action and even love. Amish manages to pull off some really good references to mythology without using actual instances from it which gave me nostalgic thoughts on my childhood when I heard all those Shiva, Ganesh stories. Philosophically the story progresses at an another dimension where self doubts and decision making plays a big role. I had tears in my eyes by the end and there is no better way this sequel could have been created. Thank you Amish. Excited for VAYUPUTRAS.



Wow! Intriguing review.