Utilization vs Exploitation

Utilization vs Exploitation

Humans are( at least as we know) the most advanced living creatures in far space. Humans can distinguish between really big things like two planets, different types of materials, different types of fluids, and whatnot. They can even distinguish between two microorganisms that they can't see through their naked eyes. Such is the power of this beautiful being. Despite all these abilities, humans sometimes fail to understand a thin layer, a layer of humanness when it comes to following certain routine activities. One such layer is the one between utilization and exploitation. 

Is there any difference between these two? It might appear to be the same but these two are entirely different things that often get miscarried. 

What is Utilization?

Utilization in simple terms is to use something effectively and wisely. It is a straightforward thing. Given something, you complete it taking your own time, without any pressure effectively in order to understand it completely. Utilization is never a harm. It always gives you something in return irrespective of the time taken to complete it. Utilization is a magical dish that has efforts, sincerity, and time as it's key ingredients. There has been no such case where utilization has pushed one into a pit full of miseries.

What is Exploitation?

Exploitation is nothing but over usage of something with no effective end product. This is completely opposite to utilization. This never gives a person what they need and is directed by a single entity that usually does not infer the actual motive or purpose behind the act. The entire process of exploitation takes more than what it gives. Time, effort, and sincerity as seen in the previous case get used up in an entirely different manner.

Let's try to understand this through a story. 

There once lived an old farmer in the countryside with farming as their only primary source of income. The old man had two boys equally aged. He wanted to see which among the two will be better to keep the farm running for years coming. He invited both of them, gave them two equal area of the farm, and asked them to cultivate the best from it. 

The boys realised that their father was looking for a suitable person. The first one started to go around the village, see what other farmers are using, and started doing everything he could on the piece of land he was awarded. The second one waited at every step and understood what was happening to the field every time he did something to it. At the end of harvesting, the farmer got nothing while the latter had a very good yield. 


What does this story convey? The first son did use the farm, but he completely exploited it. He was interested only in the yield without actually understanding if the path he's going through was right or not. 

On the other hand, the second son waited enough to make sure that he's learning the effect at regular intervals. In the end, he got a good yield without actually keeping that as his major focus. 

Life teaches a lot. Sometimes such a thin difference goes unnoticed. The next time you get an opportunity, seize it and at the same time, make sure that you're utilizing it and not exploiting it. 

"Success is the maximum utilization of the opportunity and not its exploitation."

Thank you

Happy reading.